Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Straight Couples and Marriage

From the state of Washington comes a proposed initiative that is truly stupid:
OLYMPIA, Wash. - An initiative filed by proponents of same-sex marriage would require heterosexual couples to have kids within three years or else have their marriage annulled.
This piece of idiocy has been proposed by the
Washington Defense of Marriage Alliance. Yes, we know what point they're trying to make--marriage should not be limited just to people who can have or want to have have children. I fully support that point and I fully support same-sex marriage.

But mocking heterosexual marriage and even pretending to try and limit it is hardly the way to win converts to your side. WA-DOMA says they are just trying to promote discussion. Mockery doesn't do that. This proposed initiative does far more damage than good, and if the WA-DOMA has any sense they will back up and drop this like a hot potato. Dummies.

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